Last year, I wrote an article about Patrick Swayze dying after placing false hopes in chemo drugs and the advice of his doctors to try to "starve out" his cancer and suggested that he might have been better served by trying to nourish his body and build his immune system.
Patrick Swayze Dead at Fifty-Seven after Placing False Hopes in Chemotherapy
Prior to that article, I had written an article right after Swayze appeared on the Barbara Walters special in which I lamented his decision to place his faith in mainstream medicine, which had an absolutely abysmal record in treating pancreatic cancer.
Ironically, shortly after my second article was published one of the members of the Yahoo Oleandersoup Group posted a message about how well her 80 year old step-father was doing using oleander and other supplements and eschewing mainstream treatment. She reported that her step-father, who had already lived longer than Swayze after his diagnosis, had maintained good health and a very good quality of life. She also said that he had continued playing his beloved golf up until a month prior to her message, when he had to stop due to having a stent put in to help with a bile duct blockage.
In her message, she also noted that her step-father had never had any mainstream treatment and that she was convinced that he was still with them and enjoying life because he had forgone chemo and opted for nature instead.
"My Stepdad always asks the doctor have you found a cure and they say "NO" and he then says I am not interested. Even his doctor quietly agreed that he made the right decision. All his hospice nurses are amazed when they find out his story although they are always trying to push pain medicine, but he tells them he doesn't need it."
Patrick Swayze Dead at Fifty-Seven after Placing False Hopes in Chemotherapy
Prior to that article, I had written an article right after Swayze appeared on the Barbara Walters special in which I lamented his decision to place his faith in mainstream medicine, which had an absolutely abysmal record in treating pancreatic cancer.
Ironically, shortly after my second article was published one of the members of the Yahoo Oleandersoup Group posted a message about how well her 80 year old step-father was doing using oleander and other supplements and eschewing mainstream treatment. She reported that her step-father, who had already lived longer than Swayze after his diagnosis, had maintained good health and a very good quality of life. She also said that he had continued playing his beloved golf up until a month prior to her message, when he had to stop due to having a stent put in to help with a bile duct blockage.
In her message, she also noted that her step-father had never had any mainstream treatment and that she was convinced that he was still with them and enjoying life because he had forgone chemo and opted for nature instead.
"My Stepdad always asks the doctor have you found a cure and they say "NO" and he then says I am not interested. Even his doctor quietly agreed that he made the right decision. All his hospice nurses are amazed when they find out his story although they are always trying to push pain medicine, but he tells them he doesn't need it."
Each of my articles resulted in considerable flack from mainstream outlets. One mainstreamer, who identified himself as an oncologist, even came here to CureZone to take an opportunity to chastize me for daring to suggest Swayze might have been better off with natural alternatives than with the mainstream approach he took.
When he did, I posted a rebuttal which included photographic evidence of how rapidly and drastically Swayze's health declined after he began chemo.
One cannot help but notice the contrast and irony between Swayze having gone from a robust 55 year old man to someone who looked like a 90 plus year old death camp refugee and an 80 year old who was still alive and enjoying life and his family. One also notes that Swayze, who chose to follow his doctors advice to "starve his cancer", actually died of wasting disease and malnourishment and not his cancer.
This week we received another update on the 80 year old man when his step-daughter made a post of encouragement for a new member with advanced cancer:
My 80 year old stepdad has had pancreatic cancer for the last 3 years and is doing great.! He takes plenty of Oleander (the caps or liquid) maximum dosage and 4 oz of (Utopia Silver's) colloidal silver every day...
He takes the silver for until he finishes the gallon and then takes about a 2-3 week break and then starts the silver again. My stepdad has a bile bag because the tumor was blocking his bile duct, but now there is nothing going into the bile bag and he is doing great. All signs point to the tumor shrinking and the bile is now traveling the correct way through his body.
Like I said he was diagnosed almost 3 years ago with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and was yellow and given only a couple of months to live. He went from 230lbs to about 135 in about 5 months. Now he is around 150 and plays golf weekly! He was doing pretty good with the oleander alone, but once he added the silver he really started to see some improvements. Best of luck, i know how hard it can be to see your loved ones in pain and going down. Don't lose heart, there is so much hope!
God Bless,
I joyfully note that Tracy's step-father is back playing golf again. And I also note her report of the apparent difference that the addition of colloidal silver has made. I have seen and heard several other reports of oleander working very well in conjunction with colloidal silver, including one older fellow down in Utopia Texas whom I counseled when his doctors told him that he had liver disease which appeared to be turning into liver cancer. He noticed an improvement almost immediately with oleander and a bigger improvement still when he added the colloidal silver.
Of course, anecdotal evidence is not the same as "scientific" proof, but I am convinced that natural treatments such as the oleander based protocol I advocate very often work much better and offer better hope for cancer patients. I am also convinced that the addition of colloidal silver can make a big difference in at least some of those treatments, a
When he did, I posted a rebuttal which included photographic evidence of how rapidly and drastically Swayze's health declined after he began chemo.
One cannot help but notice the contrast and irony between Swayze having gone from a robust 55 year old man to someone who looked like a 90 plus year old death camp refugee and an 80 year old who was still alive and enjoying life and his family. One also notes that Swayze, who chose to follow his doctors advice to "starve his cancer", actually died of wasting disease and malnourishment and not his cancer.
This week we received another update on the 80 year old man when his step-daughter made a post of encouragement for a new member with advanced cancer:
My 80 year old stepdad has had pancreatic cancer for the last 3 years and is doing great.! He takes plenty of Oleander (the caps or liquid) maximum dosage and 4 oz of (Utopia Silver's) colloidal silver every day...
He takes the silver for until he finishes the gallon and then takes about a 2-3 week break and then starts the silver again. My stepdad has a bile bag because the tumor was blocking his bile duct, but now there is nothing going into the bile bag and he is doing great. All signs point to the tumor shrinking and the bile is now traveling the correct way through his body.
Like I said he was diagnosed almost 3 years ago with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and was yellow and given only a couple of months to live. He went from 230lbs to about 135 in about 5 months. Now he is around 150 and plays golf weekly! He was doing pretty good with the oleander alone, but once he added the silver he really started to see some improvements. Best of luck, i know how hard it can be to see your loved ones in pain and going down. Don't lose heart, there is so much hope!
God Bless,
I joyfully note that Tracy's step-father is back playing golf again. And I also note her report of the apparent difference that the addition of colloidal silver has made. I have seen and heard several other reports of oleander working very well in conjunction with colloidal silver, including one older fellow down in Utopia Texas whom I counseled when his doctors told him that he had liver disease which appeared to be turning into liver cancer. He noticed an improvement almost immediately with oleander and a bigger improvement still when he added the colloidal silver.
Of course, anecdotal evidence is not the same as "scientific" proof, but I am convinced that natural treatments such as the oleander based protocol I advocate very often work much better and offer better hope for cancer patients. I am also convinced that the addition of colloidal silver can make a big difference in at least some of those treatments, a
He takes the silver for until he finishes the gallon and then takes about a 2-3 week break and then starts the silver again. My stepdad has a bile bag because the tumor was blocking his bile duct, but now there is nothing going into the bile bag and he is doing great. All signs point to the tumor shrinking and the bile is now traveling the correct way through his body.
Like I said he was diagnosed almost 3 years ago with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and was yellow and given only a couple of months to live. He went from 230lbs to about 135 in about 5 months. Now he is around 150 and plays golf weekly! He was doing pretty good with the oleander alone, but once he added the silver he really started to see some improvements. Best of luck, i know how hard it can be to see your loved ones in pain and going down. Don't lose heart, there is so much hope!
God Bless,
I joyfully note that Tracy's step-father is back playing golf again. And I also note her report of the apparent difference that the addition of colloidal silver has made. I have seen and heard several other reports of oleander working very well in conjunction with colloidal silver, including one older fellow down in Utopia Texas whom I counseled when his doctors told him that he had liver disease which appeared to be turning into liver cancer. He noticed an improvement almost immediately with oleander and a bigger improvement still when he added the colloidal silver.
Of course, anecdotal evidence is not the same as "scientific" proof, but I am convinced that natural treatments such as the oleander based protocol I advocate very often work much better and offer better hope for cancer patients. I am also convinced that the addition of colloidal silver can make a big difference in at least some of those treatments, as certainly appears to be the case with the combination of oleander and colloidal silver.
In the best natural cancer treatments, success stories such as the one above are often the rule instead of the exception. Sadly, just the opposite is often true in many mainstream cancer treatments.
Tony Isaacs, is a natural health researcher and author of books and articles about natural health including Cancer's Natural Enemy and is a featured writer for such natural and alternative health venues as Natural News, The Crusader, Healthiernewstalk and more. Mr. Isaacs also has The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers and others wishing to live longer, healthier and happier lives and he serves as a featured writer and consultant to the nationally famous Utopia Silver colloidal silver and natural supplement company. He is currently working on a major book project due for publication next year.
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Like I said he was diagnosed almost 3 years ago with stage 4 pancreatic cancer and was yellow and given only a couple of months to live. He went from 230lbs to about 135 in about 5 months. Now he is around 150 and plays golf weekly! He was doing pretty good with the oleander alone, but once he added the silver he really started to see some improvements. Best of luck, i know how hard it can be to see your loved ones in pain and going down. Don't lose heart, there is so much hope!
God Bless,
I joyfully note that Tracy's step-father is back playing golf again. And I also note her report of the apparent difference that the addition of colloidal silver has made. I have seen and heard several other reports of oleander working very well in conjunction with colloidal silver, including one older fellow down in Utopia Texas whom I counseled when his doctors told him that he had liver disease which appeared to be turning into liver cancer. He noticed an improvement almost immediately with oleander and a bigger improvement still when he added the colloidal silver.
Of course, anecdotal evidence is not the same as "scientific" proof, but I am convinced that natural treatments such as the oleander based protocol I advocate very often work much better and offer better hope for cancer patients. I am also convinced that the addition of colloidal silver can make a big difference in at least some of those treatments, as certainly appears to be the case with the combination of oleander and colloidal silver.
In the best natural cancer treatments, success stories such as the one above are often the rule instead of the exception. Sadly, just the opposite is often true in many mainstream cancer treatments.
Tony Isaacs, is a natural health researcher and author of books and articles about natural health including Cancer's Natural Enemy and is a featured writer for such natural and alternative health venues as Natural News, The Crusader, Healthiernewstalk and more. Mr. Isaacs also has The Best Years in Life website for baby boomers and others wishing to live longer, healthier and happier lives and he serves as a featured writer and consultant to the nationally famous Utopia Silver colloidal silver and natural supplement company. He is currently working on a major book project due for publication next year.
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