Maybe you have not noticed, but Cancer, Autism, ADD, and many other diseases that were once rare are spreading rapidly and consuming us like wild fire. From the outside looking in, it just does not seem to make sense. We are a very wealth, industrialized society. And with all the expansions that science has made, one would think that we should have a better handle on these situations.
The statistics are alarming, cancer is the number one killer of children, and number 2 in adults! Women who work in the home have a 55% higher death rate of cancer than women who work outside the home! I don't know a single person who has not been affected by cancer in some way, and although advancements are being made every day, the fact still remains, there has to be something causing this...THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING MAKING US SICK IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Did you know that over 6 million children in America are being treated with drugs for ADD/ADHD? And that does not mean 6 million children have ADD/ADHD. There are many who have yet to be diagnosed. Scarier still, not only are our children sicker than they have ever been, but 50% of child bearing age adults can no longer conceive. If you ask me, it looks like the human race is headed for extinction.
The statistics are alarming, cancer is the number one killer of children, and number 2 in adults! Women who work in the home have a 55% higher death rate of cancer than women who work outside the home! I don't know a single person who has not been affected by cancer in some way, and although advancements are being made every day, the fact still remains, there has to be something causing this...THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING MAKING US SICK IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Did you know that over 6 million children in America are being treated with drugs for ADD/ADHD? And that does not mean 6 million children have ADD/ADHD. There are many who have yet to be diagnosed. Scarier still, not only are our children sicker than they have ever been, but 50% of child bearing age adults can no longer conceive. If you ask me, it looks like the human race is headed for extinction.
I'm sure that you have all heard the news reports on toxins, but did you really listen to them? Did you take to heart what they had to say? The EPA has determined that toxic air quality in the average home is 3 to 5 times higher than outdoor air, even in the most polluted cities! If you aren't scared, you should be. All of this is related. There are things that manufacturers of the products we use to care for our children, ourselves, our homes, our pets, don't want us to know. They don't want us to know what they are putting in these products, making them TOXIC, all for the sake of profit. And even worse than that, the FDA does not require manufacturers to list these toxic ingredients on their labels because they are not "active" ingredients. Well they are actively killing us! If you ask me, that's active!
Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, is on over 90% of the products we put on our bodies and in our mouths on a daily basis - INCLUDING BABY SHAMPOO! Now certainly a single, low dose exposure may not harm you, but everyday use over time is going to have a serious impact. Think about this, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, bubble bath, cosmetics, lotions, soap - these are just some of the products we use every day that include chemicals that are killing us, and our children!
Many of the products you use to clean and sanitize your home, your children's toys, where your family eats, etc. also contain hazardous chemicals, some of which are even hormone disrupters, causing infertility, miscarriage and birth defects. And you do not have to ingest these products for them to be harmful. Chemicals are also absorbed through the skin and the lungs, meaning simply using these products and breathing while doing so is harming you. Did you know that up to two weeks after a substance is used on a surface is can still have chemical toxicity? Chemicals have what is known as a half life, and if you or your child touches that surface, say your baby (like all babies do) puts their mouth on this surface, there is chemical exposure there.
Now, I have thrown a whole bunch of scary info out there in one
Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, is on over 90% of the products we put on our bodies and in our mouths on a daily basis - INCLUDING BABY SHAMPOO! Now certainly a single, low dose exposure may not harm you, but everyday use over time is going to have a serious impact. Think about this, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, bubble bath, cosmetics, lotions, soap - these are just some of the products we use every day that include chemicals that are killing us, and our children!
Many of the products you use to clean and sanitize your home, your children's toys, where your family eats, etc. also contain hazardous chemicals, some of which are even hormone disrupters, causing infertility, miscarriage and birth defects. And you do not have to ingest these products for them to be harmful. Chemicals are also absorbed through the skin and the lungs, meaning simply using these products and breathing while doing so is harming you. Did you know that up to two weeks after a substance is used on a surface is can still have chemical toxicity? Chemicals have what is known as a half life, and if you or your child touches that surface, say your baby (like all babies do) puts their mouth on this surface, there is chemical exposure there.
Now, I have thrown a whole bunch of scary info out there in one
Formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, is on over 90% of the products we put on our bodies and in our mouths on a daily basis - INCLUDING BABY SHAMPOO! Now certainly a single, low dose exposure may not harm you, but everyday use over time is going to have a serious impact. Think about this, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, bubble bath, cosmetics, lotions, soap - these are just some of the products we use every day that include chemicals that are killing us, and our children!
Many of the products you use to clean and sanitize your home, your children's toys, where your family eats, etc. also contain hazardous chemicals, some of which are even hormone disrupters, causing infertility, miscarriage and birth defects. And you do not have to ingest these products for them to be harmful. Chemicals are also absorbed through the skin and the lungs, meaning simply using these products and breathing while doing so is harming you. Did you know that up to two weeks after a substance is used on a surface is can still have chemical toxicity? Chemicals have what is known as a half life, and if you or your child touches that surface, say your baby (like all babies do) puts their mouth on this surface, there is chemical exposure there.
Now, I have thrown a whole bunch of scary info out there in one short article. Bottom line, we need to be aware of what is out there, and what it is doing to our health. Next time you go to the store, ask your self, is this REALLY safe? All of us should be searching for a manufacturer who has our best interest at heart, not their pocket book, and although this sounds like a complete oxymoron, there are manufacturers out there, who do just that.
For more information regarding toxicity and your family's health, as well as how to find manufacturers of SAFE products, go to
Kati J. Wyatt
***Dedicated to helping families live healthier lives***
Article Source:
Many of the products you use to clean and sanitize your home, your children's toys, where your family eats, etc. also contain hazardous chemicals, some of which are even hormone disrupters, causing infertility, miscarriage and birth defects. And you do not have to ingest these products for them to be harmful. Chemicals are also absorbed through the skin and the lungs, meaning simply using these products and breathing while doing so is harming you. Did you know that up to two weeks after a substance is used on a surface is can still have chemical toxicity? Chemicals have what is known as a half life, and if you or your child touches that surface, say your baby (like all babies do) puts their mouth on this surface, there is chemical exposure there.
Now, I have thrown a whole bunch of scary info out there in one short article. Bottom line, we need to be aware of what is out there, and what it is doing to our health. Next time you go to the store, ask your self, is this REALLY safe? All of us should be searching for a manufacturer who has our best interest at heart, not their pocket book, and although this sounds like a complete oxymoron, there are manufacturers out there, who do just that.
For more information regarding toxicity and your family's health, as well as how to find manufacturers of SAFE products, go to
Kati J. Wyatt
***Dedicated to helping families live healthier lives***
Article Source: