Thursday, June 24, 2010 BLOGGING World Cup Marketing Stunt Leads to Arrests Two Dutch women were arrested on Wednesday in South Africa on suspicion of criminal marketing activities involving short dresses and beer during a World Cup match. "Auto F5 reload window" options Default timeout* Timeout for this page* Add random value to timeout between 0 and* Show and hide menu Ignore everything after these symbols in URL(separate with spaces) Include the separators in the URL saved Hide menu when clicking outside the menu Prolong timeout on mouseclicks or keyboard input Reload all pages with default timeout, which has no timeout set *Format examples: hh:mm:ss, h:m:ss, m:sss, s etc. like 1:20:30 oder 500 oder 3:100 Grab The Post URL URL: HTML link code: product reviews article blogs: World Cup Marketing Stunt Leads to Arrests "clickable" BB (forum) link code: [url=]product reviews article blogs: World Cup Marketing Stunt Leads to Arrests "clickable"[/url]