Selecting the most appropriate promotional gifts needs a lot of creative thought. You might consider the type of people that you are giving them too, the message that you want to send, the objective for using them; however, one key issue that is often overlooked is "can our logo and information be printed effectively on this item?"
There are many different printing methods, some of which are more flexible than others but there is nearly always a maximum print area. To give you an example we had a request this week for a specific promotional pen and a picture of the required artwork was supplied, however, the available print area on the pen that had been selected only allowed for a height of 7mm whilst the required artwork really needed at least 20mm in height to be portrayed effectively. In addition to this the required artwork was multi coloured and the registration requirement was going to be quite tight. This was an added complication for the selected pen because it could only be screen printed and would therefore need a number of different screens would significantly increase the set-up and printing costs. It was quickly clear that the pen that had been selected was not the most appropriate from a printing perspective.
This is where the detailed knowledge of the printing methods, print areas, product costs and print costs comes into play. We were able to review the requirement and select a similar budget pen that could be printed full colour and had the necessary print area. The cost of full colour printing is a little higher than the cost of a single or 2 colour screen print, however, we were
This is where the detailed knowledge of the printing methods, print areas, product costs and print costs comes into play. We were able to review the requirement and select a similar budget pen that could be printed full colour and had the necessary print area. The cost of full colour printing is a little higher than the cost of a single or 2 colour screen print, however, we were
This is where the detailed knowledge of the printing methods, print areas, product costs and print costs comes into play. We were able to review the requirement and select a similar budget pen that could be printed full colour and had the necessary print area. The cost of full colour printing is a little higher than the cost of a single or 2 colour screen print, however, we were able to offer our customer a product that fully met their need and budget.
The conclusion is that when looking to select promotional gifts involve a knowledgeable supplier early in the process because they will be able to help you avoid a lot of costly time wastage.
We enjoy speaking to people and helping them get the most out of promotional gifts. So please feel free to pick up the phone and call FREE 0800 630 0087 and we will be more than happy to talk through any promotional questions or situations with you.
For Effective Promotion That Lasts!
Written by Keith Tripp MBA, DipM, MCIM and Chartered Marketer - Managing Director of Aarons Promotions Ltd
The Promotional Gifts Kingdom.
Full Range of Promotional Pens
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The conclusion is that when looking to select promotional gifts involve a knowledgeable supplier early in the process because they will be able to help you avoid a lot of costly time wastage.
We enjoy speaking to people and helping them get the most out of promotional gifts. So please feel free to pick up the phone and call FREE 0800 630 0087 and we will be more than happy to talk through any promotional questions or situations with you.
For Effective Promotion That Lasts!
Written by Keith Tripp MBA, DipM, MCIM and Chartered Marketer - Managing Director of Aarons Promotions Ltd
The Promotional Gifts Kingdom.
Full Range of Promotional Pens
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