Chris Salmone discussed how our best America is only a generation away with Allen Cardoza and Dr. Melody Foxx, the Answers for the Family channel radio hosts on L.A. talk radio.
Salmone, the author of Rescue America, talked about how America's founding fathers shaped America's values by defining America as a country that would champion life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Salmone, the author of Rescue America, talked about how America's founding fathers shaped America's values by defining America as a country that would champion life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The promise of hope, opportunity, and a new political liberty catapulted America into the role of world leader amongst nations. These values gave rise to the greatest country ever seen on the face of the earth. As a result, America attracted millions of immigrants. They gladly left leave the comforts and security of their homelands.
The gratitude for the end of the Great Depression and World War II unleashed an entrepreneurial spirit in America. It created an era of unparalleled prosperity and America spawned the greatest generosity ever exhibited by a nation or its citizens. The passion and hard work of the early immigrants created the foundations of America while gratitude in the last century created its prosperity.
"Rescue America" creates a clear and convincing argument between the loss of our founding values and the current political, economic, and cultural problems.
A return to our core values, the values of gratitude, personal responsibility, and sacrifice, noted Salmone, are the values necessary to restore America's greatness.
Two negative attitudes in particular were ruining the country, he warned. The first was blaming others instead of taking personal responsibility for change. The second was feeling a sense of entitlem
The gratitude for the end of the Great Depression and World War II unleashed an entrepreneurial spirit in America. It created an era of unparalleled prosperity and America spawned the greatest generosity ever exhibited by a nation or its citizens. The passion and hard work of the early immigrants created the foundations of America while gratitude in the last century created its prosperity.
"Rescue America" creates a clear and convincing argument between the loss of our founding values and the current political, economic, and cultural problems.
A return to our core values, the values of gratitude, personal responsibility, and sacrifice, noted Salmone, are the values necessary to restore America's greatness.
Two negative attitudes in particular were ruining the country, he warned. The first was blaming others instead of taking personal responsibility for change. The second was feeling a sense of entitlem
"Rescue America" creates a clear and convincing argument between the loss of our founding values and the current political, economic, and cultural problems.
A return to our core values, the values of gratitude, personal responsibility, and sacrifice, noted Salmone, are the values necessary to restore America's greatness.
Two negative attitudes in particular were ruining the country, he warned. The first was blaming others instead of taking personal responsibility for change. The second was feeling a sense of entitlement for getting things what had not been earned.
Our best America is only a generation away, Salmone pointed out, if we can only learn to express the same gratitude immigrants feel when they become naturalized. We must learn to feel that same sense of appreciation for being born here.
About the Author:
A return to our core values, the values of gratitude, personal responsibility, and sacrifice, noted Salmone, are the values necessary to restore America's greatness.
Two negative attitudes in particular were ruining the country, he warned. The first was blaming others instead of taking personal responsibility for change. The second was feeling a sense of entitlement for getting things what had not been earned.
Our best America is only a generation away, Salmone pointed out, if we can only learn to express the same gratitude immigrants feel when they become naturalized. We must learn to feel that same sense of appreciation for being born here.
About the Author:
Learn more about Chris Salmone. Stop by Allen Cardoza's website to listen to the entire radio show in its entirety.