If you want to make money online with your blog then you will need a lot of traffic. What is great about blogging is it opens up two different types of traffic both from search engines and from social websites. If you have ever ran a static website then you know that really the only traffic you can get is from search engines and only if your static website is optimized correctly and you have plenty of backlinks. With a blog you will not be as tied down to only a certain amount of traffic from one keyword. You can build links to your blogs index then when you write a post that post will do well within the search engines if you have enough links to your index. What this means is you can create an unlimited amount of doorway pages to your blog so the amount of traffic will be unlimited as long as you keep writing.
The first thing you should do with any blog you are trying to get more hits on is write more content. To see success with a blog you need to really have as much content as you can stand. This is the basis of any successful online business especially a blog. Once you have content it is ok to treat your blog like a regular presence going after some competitive keywords. Use article directories and other forms of internet marketing to build links for keywords that are popular within your niche. You want to have a steady stream of traffic to your blog from a couple major keywords so you can see growth. Now the biggest thing that separates your blog from a static website is Google's Blog Search. This is a search that finds the latest blog posts so if you are writing frequently you have a much better chance of ranking well in this search.
So you write conte
So you write conte
The first thing you should do with any blog you are trying to get more hits on is write more content. To see success with a blog you need to really have as much content as you can stand. This is the basis of any successful online business especially a blog. Once you have content it is ok to treat your blog like a regular presence going after some competitive keywords. Use article directories and other forms of internet marketing to build links for keywords that are popular within your niche. You want to have a steady stream of traffic to your blog from a couple major keywords so you can see growth. Now the biggest thing that separates your blog from a static website is Google's Blog Search. This is a search that finds the latest blog posts so if you are writing frequently you have a much better chance of ranking well in this search.
So you write content constantly and build links like you would on a regular website the only thing that you can really do to improve your blogs traffic besides these two things is jumping into the social world. Networking is a way for you to meet new people within your niche both bloggers and traffic alike. As you find more and more people you will see your traffic from these sources go up every time you write a post. It is much easier to keep a reader that you also have as a friend on Facebook or follower on twitter. You should also be concentrating your efforts on social bookmarking and making friends on Digg, Technorati, stumble upon, and the rest. Pick the social websites carefully making sure not to go with quantity over quality. You should be able to actually participate in the social community once a day and still have time to write content and market your blog. Only do what you think you can do not go overboard and burn yourself out.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kris_Beus
So you write content constantly and build links like you would on a regular website the only thing that you can really do to improve your blogs traffic besides these two things is jumping into the social world. Networking is a way for you to meet new people within your niche both bloggers and traffic alike. As you find more and more people you will see your traffic from these sources go up every time you write a post. It is much easier to keep a reader that you also have as a friend on Facebook or follower on twitter. You should also be concentrating your efforts on social bookmarking and making friends on Digg, Technorati, stumble upon, and the rest. Pick the social websites carefully making sure not to go with quantity over quality. You should be able to actually participate in the social community once a day and still have time to write content and market your blog. Only do what you think you can do not go overboard and burn yourself out.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kris_Beus