The mid-term elections occurred recently and there is "change in the air". With a significant changing of the political guard, people ask me how it affects the real estate market. The short answer is that in general the affect is beneficial, but we have found it is typically not immediately felt in the market place. An election brings in not just the new politician, but also the support staff. Then we have the outgoing policymaker and their entourage.
The net effect of all this "churning" of politicians over the years is positive population growth in the Washington, DC metro area. That means that less people leave then come in. My theory on these phenomena is that if you do public policy, and you do it well, you do it in the public policy Mecca of the world - Washington, DC. Why would you want to go back to your home state and practice state politics when you have played in the bigger sandbox of national and international politics?
The net effect of all this "churning" of politicians over the years is positive population growth in the Washington, DC metro area. That means that less people leave then come in. My theory on these phenomena is that if you do public policy, and you do it well, you do it in the public policy Mecca of the world - Washington, DC. Why would you want to go back to your home state and practice state politics when you have played in the bigger sandbox of national and international politics?
To support my theory, I will share four examples of politicians that chose different avenues after elected political life in Washington, DC, but all stayed in or returned to the greater Washington metropolitan area to do so.
The Honorable Wilbert Joseph Tauzin II, better known as Billy, was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for Louisiana from 1980 to 2005. After resigning from Congress, Tauzin was offered the plum position as head of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of American (PhRMA), to become one of the highest paid trade executives earning more than $2.5 million per year.
The Honorable Tom Ridge (Republican) was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania from 1982 to 1994. He returned to his home state to run for Governor and served as such until he resigned to become the first Director of Homeland Security in 2001. In 2004 Ridge left that position to go on the speaking circuit through Leading Authorities and to found Ridge Global, an advisory firm located in Washington, DC.
The Honorable Hilda Solis served in the U.S. House of Representatives for California from 2001 to 2009, easily reelected to all four terms. In late 2008 she was tapped by President Barack Obama to be the Secretary of Labor, and was confirmed the following year. She currently holds that position in Washington, D.C.
The final example is also from Louisiana and one that is close to me personally, that of Thomas Jerald Huckaby, usually known as Jerry. Jerry Huckaby was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1977 and served until 1993. He lost
The Honorable Wilbert Joseph Tauzin II, better known as Billy, was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for Louisiana from 1980 to 2005. After resigning from Congress, Tauzin was offered the plum position as head of the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of American (PhRMA), to become one of the highest paid trade executives earning more than $2.5 million per year.
The Honorable Tom Ridge (Republican) was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania from 1982 to 1994. He returned to his home state to run for Governor and served as such until he resigned to become the first Director of Homeland Security in 2001. In 2004 Ridge left that position to go on the speaking circuit through Leading Authorities and to found Ridge Global, an advisory firm located in Washington, DC.
The Honorable Hilda Solis served in the U.S. House of Representatives for California from 2001 to 2009, easily reelected to all four terms. In late 2008 she was tapped by President Barack Obama to be the Secretary of Labor, and was confirmed the following year. She currently holds that position in Washington, D.C.
The final example is also from Louisiana and one that is close to me personally, that of Thomas Jerald Huckaby, usually known as Jerry. Jerry Huckaby was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1977 and served until 1993. He lost
The Honorable Tom Ridge (Republican) was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania from 1982 to 1994. He returned to his home state to run for Governor and served as such until he resigned to become the first Director of Homeland Security in 2001. In 2004 Ridge left that position to go on the speaking circuit through Leading Authorities and to found Ridge Global, an advisory firm located in Washington, DC.
The Honorable Hilda Solis served in the U.S. House of Representatives for California from 2001 to 2009, easily reelected to all four terms. In late 2008 she was tapped by President Barack Obama to be the Secretary of Labor, and was confirmed the following year. She currently holds that position in Washington, D.C.
The final example is also from Louisiana and one that is close to me personally, that of Thomas Jerald Huckaby, usually known as Jerry. Jerry Huckaby was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1977 and served until 1993. He lost the seat primarily due to reapportionment from the 1990 U.S. Census. By that time his wife, Sue Huckaby, had become a successful residential real estate agent in Virginia. Jerry became president of the Sue Huckaby Company in 1994 and took Sue to the ranking of number 10 out of more than two million Realtors in the United States in sales for 2002. Over the 30 plus year career, the Huckaby's sold over one thousand homes valued in excess of one billion dollars.
Sue Huckaby passed the company to Karen Briscoe, asking her to carry on the company motto: "Experience You Can Trust" as the Huckaby Briscoe Group. Please contact us if we can be of assistance, whether buying or selling real property, at:, 703-734-0192,
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The Honorable Hilda Solis served in the U.S. House of Representatives for California from 2001 to 2009, easily reelected to all four terms. In late 2008 she was tapped by President Barack Obama to be the Secretary of Labor, and was confirmed the following year. She currently holds that position in Washington, D.C.
The final example is also from Louisiana and one that is close to me personally, that of Thomas Jerald Huckaby, usually known as Jerry. Jerry Huckaby was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1977 and served until 1993. He lost the seat primarily due to reapportionment from the 1990 U.S. Census. By that time his wife, Sue Huckaby, had become a successful residential real estate agent in Virginia. Jerry became president of the Sue Huckaby Company in 1994 and took Sue to the ranking of number 10 out of more than two million Realtors in the United States in sales for 2002. Over the 30 plus year career, the Huckaby's sold over one thousand homes valued in excess of one billion dollars.
Sue Huckaby passed the company to Karen Briscoe, asking her to carry on the company motto: "Experience You Can Trust" as the Huckaby Briscoe Group. Please contact us if we can be of assistance, whether buying or selling real property, at:, 703-734-0192,
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