Focusing on cardio when you workout is a great way to burn plenty of fat while boosting your endurance levels. Something very few people know about is how inefficient traditional cardio is. This article is going to explain what makes a good cardio routine. The cardio routine you will learn here is far more efficient and will provide better results in less time.
The routine I am going to talk about is called High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT for short. If you spend 20 minutes doing HIIT you will get more out of it than a whole hour of traditional cardio. A significant reason for this is the high levels of fat burning hormones HIIT helps the body create.
Your muscles consist of 3 different fibers:
The First is the Slow Twitch
The Second is the Fast Twitch
The Third is the Super Fast Twitch
The routine I am going to talk about is called High Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT for short. If you spend 20 minutes doing HIIT you will get more out of it than a whole hour of traditional cardio. A significant reason for this is the high levels of fat burning hormones HIIT helps the body create.
Your muscles consist of 3 different fibers:
The First is the Slow Twitch
The Second is the Fast Twitch
The Third is the Super Fast Twitch
You should focus on your super fast twitch muscles if you want to boost the creation of fat burning hormones (HGH). When you undergo HIIT you take advantage of your super fast twitch muscles and therefore your body creates greater levels of these hormones. HIIT can work with almost any cardio you can think of, however when you first start the best cardio to partake in is with a recumbent bike. Also, the best time of the day to do HIIT is in the morning.
These are the benefits you gain from HIIT over traditional cardio workouts:
- When you stop traditional cardio your body will stop burning calories, so if you run for an hour you will only burn calories for an hour. However if you implement HIIT your body will keep burning calories for hours after you finish. Another benefit of HIIT is how quickly you improve your endurance and stamina.
- With the increased fat burning hormones you will burn fat quickly but also slow the aging process. Just 20 minutes of high intensity interval training gives better results than an hour of traditional cardio. Think of it like this, you save yourself 40 minutes each session!
- Have you ever watched the Olympics and wondered how all the sprinters have such amazing abs? It's not from doing countless crunches and sit-ups, it is from the sprint training.
- You feel less hungry when you undertake HIIT. I don't have to remind you that eating less is a bi
These are the benefits you gain from HIIT over traditional cardio workouts:
- When you stop traditional cardio your body will stop burning calories, so if you run for an hour you will only burn calories for an hour. However if you implement HIIT your body will keep burning calories for hours after you finish. Another benefit of HIIT is how quickly you improve your endurance and stamina.
- With the increased fat burning hormones you will burn fat quickly but also slow the aging process. Just 20 minutes of high intensity interval training gives better results than an hour of traditional cardio. Think of it like this, you save yourself 40 minutes each session!
- Have you ever watched the Olympics and wondered how all the sprinters have such amazing abs? It's not from doing countless crunches and sit-ups, it is from the sprint training.
- You feel less hungry when you undertake HIIT. I don't have to remind you that eating less is a bi
- When you stop traditional cardio your body will stop burning calories, so if you run for an hour you will only burn calories for an hour. However if you implement HIIT your body will keep burning calories for hours after you finish. Another benefit of HIIT is how quickly you improve your endurance and stamina.
- With the increased fat burning hormones you will burn fat quickly but also slow the aging process. Just 20 minutes of high intensity interval training gives better results than an hour of traditional cardio. Think of it like this, you save yourself 40 minutes each session!
- Have you ever watched the Olympics and wondered how all the sprinters have such amazing abs? It's not from doing countless crunches and sit-ups, it is from the sprint training.
- You feel less hungry when you undertake HIIT. I don't have to remind you that eating less is a big part of losing weight.
I have an article on my blog that gives exact instructions on how to do a HIIT cardio routine, to read it click here => Cardio Routines. For more articles on how to get ripped, building muscle and fat loss, visit my blog, at Get Ripped.
Article Source:
- With the increased fat burning hormones you will burn fat quickly but also slow the aging process. Just 20 minutes of high intensity interval training gives better results than an hour of traditional cardio. Think of it like this, you save yourself 40 minutes each session!
- Have you ever watched the Olympics and wondered how all the sprinters have such amazing abs? It's not from doing countless crunches and sit-ups, it is from the sprint training.
- You feel less hungry when you undertake HIIT. I don't have to remind you that eating less is a big part of losing weight.
I have an article on my blog that gives exact instructions on how to do a HIIT cardio routine, to read it click here => Cardio Routines. For more articles on how to get ripped, building muscle and fat loss, visit my blog, at Get Ripped.
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