In the past few years, eBooks, or electronic books, have gained quite a reputation. With this increasing recognition, eBook readers like the Kindle reader and other electronic media reading devices in the market have become just as popular as well, particularly among the book loving consumers. The arrival of eBooks and the launch of the wireless reading devices have earned varied reviews from enthusiasts and critics alike. This particular piece of article will tackle the most basic pros and cons associated with eBooks and the e-media readers that it is coupled with.
Prior to assessing the advantages and disadvantages of these digital products, you must first have an open mind and know that what others perceive as an advantage may not necessarily apply to you, just as the drawbacks that you may recognize, may not be what others see. Just get to know the facts and decide for yourself whether some of the things mentioned in this article are beneficial to you or not.
The reading experience is among the first thing you will be able to assess since this is what everything boils down to. It is true that the electronic book reader has the capability to display texts and images very clearly with the latest technology in gadget screens. But with all these advancements, some people still prefer reading from a conventional book rather than a digital screen; they are just not as comfortable. Some even get headaches, or get sick, staring at the backlit screen of their iPhone while reading text messages. How much more when they are reading for hours with their eBook reader?
When you talk about subject matter, conventional books are pretty diverse with all the different topics out there. But with eBooks, the subject matter it covers is even broader than conventional books. Wide enthusiastic readers will definitely enjoy the diversity that eBooks can provide. eBook readers such as the Kindle reader also allow the user to sample books before they purchase them, while also providing access to single articles and blogs.
Book enthusiasts and collectors alike will agree to the fact that a collection of books can occupy so much space. Collectors who have started collecting books at a young age will have to rent or buy a significant storage space just to house his collection, by the time he hits retirement age. But with eBooks, all you will need is a memory card to store your entire library of books; and, you can even carry it with you pretty much anywhere. The catch, however, is that in the event that the memory card gets corrupted or damaged in any way, your entire collection could end up unusable.
Finally, there is the electronic book reader that you use together with your eBook collection. These devices can be quite expensive, although the eBooks can cost less than ten dollars, even some of the New York Times bestsellers. These eBook readers typically use proprietary formats as well, which basically means that transferring an eBook from one wireless reading device to another is quite tricky, to say the least. So whether you are for conventional books or electronic books, one thing is for certain; a good book is measured by its content, not by its cover - or in this case, its form.
Prior to assessing the advantages and disadvantages of these digital products, you must first have an open mind and know that what others perceive as an advantage may not necessarily apply to you, just as the drawbacks that you may recognize, may not be what others see. Just get to know the facts and decide for yourself whether some of the things mentioned in this article are beneficial to you or not.
The reading experience is among the first thing you will be able to assess since this is what everything boils down to. It is true that the electronic book reader has the capability to display texts and images very clearly with the latest technology in gadget screens. But with all these advancements, some people still prefer reading from a conventional book rather than a digital screen; they are just not as comfortable. Some even get headaches, or get sick, staring at the backlit screen of their iPhone while reading text messages. How much more when they are reading for hours with their eBook reader?
When you talk about subject matter, conventional books are pretty diverse with all the different topics out there. But with eBooks, the subject matter it covers is even broader than conventional books. Wide enthusiastic readers will definitely enjoy the diversity that eBooks can provide. eBook readers such as the Kindle reader also allow the user to sample books before they purchase them, while also providing access to single articles and blogs.
Book enthusiasts and collectors alike will agree to the fact that a collection of books can occupy so much space. Collectors who have started collecting books at a young age will have to rent or buy a significant storage space just to house his collection, by the time he hits retirement age. But with eBooks, all you will need is a memory card to store your entire library of books; and, you can even carry it with you pretty much anywhere. The catch, however, is that in the event that the memory card gets corrupted or damaged in any way, your entire collection could end up unusable.
Finally, there is the electronic book reader that you use together with your eBook collection. These devices can be quite expensive, although the eBooks can cost less than ten dollars, even some of the New York Times bestsellers. These eBook readers typically use proprietary formats as well, which basically means that transferring an eBook from one wireless reading device to another is quite tricky, to say the least. So whether you are for conventional books or electronic books, one thing is for certain; a good book is measured by its content, not by its cover - or in this case, its form.
About the Author:
The Electronic Book Reader was the preeminent e-Reader. With the Kindle Reader Amazon has become king. Find out why.