It's no secret that public speaking is one of the best ways to raise the visibility of your brand and expertise but what you say is just as important as getting out there! Have you ever stopped to analyze the strategy that top speakers use to move their audience to action? If you want to take better advantage of every speaking opportunity (including everyday conversations) be sure to incorporate these 3 quick and easy tips to create a powerful brand statement.
1) Incorporate your company name or key service into your language. There are some really clever ways to reap more benefits from your company name. If the name of your company is NOT your personal name, this can go far. For instance, I have an article called "Build your brand to stand out strong and have Brand Excitement!" My business coach, Fabienne Fredrickson of Client Attraction, calls her free resource "How to Attract All the Clients You Need." Do you see what I mean?
2) Coin a phrase: Are there any words that you seem to use over and over again? Many times you may not be aware of them so what you'll need to do is listen to your past speeches or look over your transcripts and see what phrases are most used. What are the 2-3 phrases that stand out? Are they yours? If so, make them part of your signature communication. One example for me is my use of the phrase "Have a brandtastic day" - It's easy to remember and reminds people of the excitement of my mission.
3) Echo your Tagline. Sometimes a spot-on tagline takes a bit of work. Just like your company name, your tagline will go through many edits and iterations. A useful way to use your tagline is to echo it in your elevator speech, signature talk and during interviews. As you attempt to do this you'll discover whether your tagline will expand with as you grow, or not. As you work it into your every day expressions you'll see a pattern begin to form and eventually it will just slide into conversations."
Further Study:
Listen the 3 speakers that you admire in your business and capture their coined phrases and descriptions. (Make sure these 3 speakers are not the same gender or type of business.)
1) How often do they use their phrase?
2) In what context do they use it?
3) Craft a 10 minute speech using your phrase, company name (or service) and tagline.
4) Brainstorm 5 different ways to speak your brand in the next 2 weeks.
If you haven't spoke in public before because you're too shy, don't worry. You can practice this by recording it yourself for your own playback. You can still speak your brand in everyday conversations and by writing articles, so get creative and get started!
Beatrice Johnston, Director of Brand Excitement, is founder of the Brand Visibility System®, the proven step-by-step program that helps you to gain more visibility, opportunity and prosperity in your small, service based business. To get your F.R.E.E. Beginner's Guide and receive her weekly tips and exercises on boosting your brand visibility, visit
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1) Incorporate your company name or key service into your language. There are some really clever ways to reap more benefits from your company name. If the name of your company is NOT your personal name, this can go far. For instance, I have an article called "Build your brand to stand out strong and have Brand Excitement!" My business coach, Fabienne Fredrickson of Client Attraction, calls her free resource "How to Attract All the Clients You Need." Do you see what I mean?
2) Coin a phrase: Are there any words that you seem to use over and over again? Many times you may not be aware of them so what you'll need to do is listen to your past speeches or look over your transcripts and see what phrases are most used. What are the 2-3 phrases that stand out? Are they yours? If so, make them part of your signature communication. One example for me is my use of the phrase "Have a brandtastic day" - It's easy to remember and reminds people of the excitement of my mission.
3) Echo your Tagline. Sometimes a spot-on tagline takes a bit of work. Just like your company name, your tagline will go through many edits and iterations. A useful way to use your tagline is to echo it in your elevator speech, signature talk and during interviews. As you attempt to do this you'll discover whether your tagline will expand with as you grow, or not. As you work it into your every day expressions you'll see a pattern begin to form and eventually it will just slide into conversations."
Further Study:
Listen the 3 speakers that you admire in your business and capture their coined phrases and descriptions. (Make sure these 3 speakers are not the same gender or type of business.)
1) How often do they use their phrase?
2) In what context do they use it?
3) Craft a 10 minute speech using your phrase, company name (or service) and tagline.
4) Brainstorm 5 different ways to speak your brand in the next 2 weeks.
If you haven't spoke in public before because you're too shy, don't worry. You can practice this by recording it yourself for your own playback. You can still speak your brand in everyday conversations and by writing articles, so get creative and get started!
Beatrice Johnston, Director of Brand Excitement, is founder of the Brand Visibility System®, the proven step-by-step program that helps you to gain more visibility, opportunity and prosperity in your small, service based business. To get your F.R.E.E. Beginner's Guide and receive her weekly tips and exercises on boosting your brand visibility, visit
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