Are Mompreneurs Different From 'Regular' Entrepreneurs?

Are Mompreneurs different from regular entrepreneurs? Yes. Absolutely. A successful mompreneur possesses all the essential ingredients of the typical entrepreneur but with some major differences.

WHO: First and foremost, we are obviously mothers. Simple statement, but that status courses through our being and goes to the core of who we are.

Many women who would never have considered working outside the home have been compelled or impelled to do so as a result becoming devoted moms.

Moms face, on a daily basis, all kinds of challenges and problems that demand innovative solutions. Moms have to find a better way; it is part of a maternal survival instinct. Some mompreneurs developed products to fill children's needs that weren't being met elsewhere. Discovery Toys is a good example of this kind of innovation.

The newly created home business responds to the personal desire and key motivation to be home with children as an active and involved presence in the children's lives. The opportunity to work on a flexible schedule basis is priceless.

What: Not all mompreneurs are the same. The term means many different things in real world application. Some women work only a few hours each day and view their work as part-time employment. Others drive harder and work more hours than many workers in traditional brick and mortar businesses.

Some mompreneurs become empire builders. Silpada is a good example; its recent acquisition by Avon was quite an unprecedented coup.

Some mompreneurs never go anywhere without their laptops or smartphones. Ever. They work while their kids are playing softball, in gymnastics or otherwise engaged in after school activities.

One thing does achieve consensus: mompreneurs unanimously agree 'it' is the hardest job they've ever loved. None would trade their position for anything.

How: When not working, they're thinking about work. When working, they're thinking about their kids. It takes a special psyche to achieve a healthy balance in this process and carefully honed management skills to avoid burnout and undue stress.

With proper management, it is a very fulfilling life with the perk of great self-satisfaction in the many accomplishments. Many moms feel that their children are more evolved and world savvy as a result of what they see in their working moms. Their mom's personal dedication, effort and diligence, as witnessed daily, will create a generation that hopefully will value these traits as well.

Why: Mompreneurs enter the business arena for a multitude of reasons. For some, the income is necessary for family support in today's economy. For others, the intellectual pursuit provides stimulation that is different from parenting and helps them achieve better life balance. Most mompreneurs don't get started to build huge business empires although many find substantial success.

The point is that the journey is the key source of satisfaction for mompreneurs, not dollars alone. Mompreneurs are different from regular entrepreneurs, When quality parenting can co-exist favorably with home business ventures, income success invariably happens.

And when it does, it seems to mean much more to mompreneurs.

NEXT: If you are asking yourself the questions about whether you have what it takes to be a mompreneur, continue your quest and learn more. Mompreneurs are different but in the best way. Visit => Fill in the box and view complimentary videos trainings that can help you get started now.

2nd: Work from home smart and efficiently and parent actively. You can do both and do both well. Check out=> Bespoke mentoring from a dedicated mompreneur who is dedicated to your success. Responsive, personal training can make it happen for you today!

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